What to expect before your surgery.

It's important to be well-prepared before your procedure. Discover essential pre-operation instructions and guidelines provided by Dr. Tarak Patel.

Congratulations on scheduling your surgery with Dr. Patel!

Once you have determined the surgical date for your procedure, you will be scheduled a pre-operative appointment with Dr. Patel.

When do I schedule this appointment?

This appointment will be scheduled at the time of deciding to move forward with surgery.

How far out from surgery is my pre-operation appointment?

This appointment is usually scheduled between two to three weeks prior to your surgery date.

What happens at my pre-operation visit?

Prior to the visit, we have you fill out an extensive health and history form. This will be reviewed with you by Dr. Patel. This is one of the many forms that our anesthesiologist and Dr. Patel review in order to make sure surgery is safe for you.

You will also review your surgery plan with Dr. Patel and take your “before” photos. One of our medical staff will then discuss aftercare instructions with you. You will receive all your medical prescriptions for pain, nausea and antibiotics if necessary.

Can I bring anyone to this appointment?

We strongly encourage you to bring whomever will be taking care of you after surgery! It will be important for them to hear instructions on how to properly assist you.

How long is the pre-operation appointment?

These appointments can vary in length based on the type of surgery you are having but they typically last about one hour.

At your pre-operation visit, you will be given a folder to take home that has a paper copy of your aftercare instructions, and a sheet of “things to get before surgery”. While we try our best to go over every detail with our patients, we understand it can be overwhelming! Below are PDF documents of things you'll need leading up to your surgery including necessary instructions, things to do and items to acquire, along with medications to stop before surgery.

Important PDF Links

Items To Obtain After Liposuction Download PDF
Pre-Operation Instructions Download PDF
Pre-Surgical Medication List Download PDF
Things To Do Prior To Surgery Download PDF
Items To Obtain For After Surgery Download PDF